
lyrics and music by Nathan Davis

The train is coming closer, I can smell the smoke,
And feel the rumbling underneath my feet.
Bags are packed and waiting for a destination they can't see.
As I listen to a radio inside my head, I hear the music as it's played,
Like I hear a voice inside me that's been guiding me on my way.

Christie sheds a teardrop and it rolls down her face
As she gazes to a summer sky.
Why does losing her mind come so much easier than saying goodbye?
The makeup and the smile cover over her pain,
But it hurts her anyway;
Maybe tomorrow will be easier than living in this world today.

She feels like a flatliner, an old-timer, but she'll be here till the curtain falls.
Well, she's heartbroken and chain-smokin'
a dream that just won't let her fall.
She's gonna live forever in a circumstance
that she created when she wrote this song;
And if you don't like it, well you don't have to listen at all.

He keeps a death grip on the bottle as he eases off the throttle
In a thousand pounds of speed and steel.
It seems like no one understands him and he wonders if they ever will.
When are people gonna live up to their own set of standards,
Instead of pointing all their fingers at me?
If they took a walk in my shoes for a moment would it help them see?

We're not looking for your promises,
Because promises turn into lies.
We're just looking for a smile every once in a while.
We're not asking for much, just an occasional touch,
Maybe the glory of a brand new day;
And we can try to survive in a world that's too far gone to save.

We are flatliners, old-timers, and we'll be here till the curtain falls.
We are heartbroken, and chain-smoking
a dream that just won't let us fall.
We're gonna live forever in a circumstance
we created when we wrote this song;
And if you don't like it, well, you don't have to listen at all.

Out of My Skin


$0.99, individual song

Letters From Dreamland


$0.99, individual song

Bittersweet Vol I


Package Desired

Note: Blue cart buttons are for digital downloads. Yellow cart buttons are for physical merchandise, the entire DVD. They are not the same.

Was recorded in a shower stall in the bathroom of the studio. Also the first real song I ever wrote. I pulled this one out of the dust, thanks to some people who heard me play it a few times back in the old days, and asked why I'd never included it in a record, so here it is.

nathan davis